We've come a long way in our modern society, but I'm just not sure it's all been the right way.
Take floral print toilet paper, for instance.
Now, in our modern world, we pretty much don't worry about toilet paper. It's cheap, everyone has some, everyone needs some.
However, it wasn't all that many years ago when toilet paper was pretty much a luxury, unheard of even.
Remember in "Dances With Wolves" when the soldiers are squatted in the bushes arguing over who gets to use paper from Kevin Costner's journal to wipe up with?
Today, however, if we were forced to use something as hard and abrasive as regular old paper, we'd throw a tizzy fit!
I mean, heck, today we have triple-ply, double quilted, extra absorbent, scented, floral print toilet paper that comes complete with dancing bears and happy music to show us how much to use.
Come on! Is this the epitome of our modern society? Did our ancestors fight, suffer, bleed, and die simply so we can have soft, pretty paper to wipe you know what from our you know where?
I don't think so.
And yet, today, we hear over and over about how horrible our economy is, how we are in such a recession, how times are tough and going to get tougher.
People, get real, we wipe our butts with quilted, happy, dancing bear paper with cutesy, little flower blossoms and smiley faces.
We are not that bad off.
So we have to suck it up a bit. Maybe not everything is going to be as easy as it once was. Maybe we won't be able to have every little thing we want.
Wah. Boo hoo, boo hoo, wah, wah, wah.
Doesn't anyone out there have the slightest clue how HARD generations in the past worked to get our country to where it is today?
I guarantee you things are still a LOT better now than they were in the past. Yes, even now in the midst of this "horrible" economy we are still pretty darn well off.
Anyone who lived prior to the 1950's would look at our modern society, all we have, all we can do, and call us nothing but a bunch of pansies for whining about the condition of things.
There is still plenty of resources for everyone. There is still plenty of opportunity for people to work and make their fortunes.
Things may be different, maybe not as rosy, but really any nation who gets to wipe their butts with quilted, floral print toilet paper has no right to complain as far as I'm concerned.
America is supposed to be the land of the free, the land of the brave, the land of opportunity --- not the land of the quilted, floral print whiners!